Amplified Sound
The use of amplified sound at the Bell Tower and Speaker's Mound is limited and prior approval is required.
Amplified speech and music must be scheduled in advance with HUB Scheduling and is limited to:
- Simultaneous events may occur
- Volume must not interfere with classes or other activities
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Winter Quarter Wednesdays (12pm-1pm and after 5pm): The sound level must not be higher than 80 decibels (c-weighting) at 50 ft. from Bell Tower when speakers are pointed North and no higher than 70 decibels at 50 ft. from the Bell Tower when speakers point in any other direction
- Wednesdays (Fall and Spring Quarters): Limited to ASPB "Nooners" and may involve louder amplified activities
- Weekends: Amplified sound must end before 10pm. Consideration of surrounding events and academic activities may result in amplified sound restrictions
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